Saturday 6 August 2011

Sharing and cherish...

Share what you have to others...

Share your helping hand to others who need it,
Share you eye to others who need it,
Share your ears to others who need it,
Share your mouth to others who need it,

Sharing is an action to cherish what we have with others.

Share your happiness with others,
Share you gladness with others,
Share your joy with others,
Share everything yours with others

Sharing is an action to cherish what we have with others.

Cherish everything you have...

Cherish everyone beside of you,
Cherish your life with happiness,
Cherish the others love with you genuine heart,
Cherish the person who made you with filial piety,

Cherish is an action to share what you have with others.

jealousy is the evil of sharing and cherish,
penny-pinching is the evil of sharing and cherish,
stingy is the evil of sharing and cherish,

OUT!OUT!OUT of my life!!!